big news | snto won the first "new hunan contribution award"-九游会j9官方登录入口

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big news | snto won the first "new hunan contribution award"

on december 28, 2021, the people's government of hunan province held the first press conference of the "new hunan contribution award" and "2021 hunan top 100 private enterprises". this kind of conference and awarding ceremony is rare in china and it is the first time in hunan. the purpose of the conference is to lead all others by benchmark, inspire more enterprises to innovate and strive for advancement and guide more enterprises to focus on real industry, expand new fields, and accelerate transformation and upgrading.


at the meeting, he baoxiang, vice governor of the people's government of hunan province, issued the report titled "decision of the cpc hunan provincial committee and people's government of hunan province on recognizing the advanced teams and advanced individuals of the first new hunan contribution award". with years of outstanding performance in business operation, innovation and research and development, and social responsibility building, snto won the honorary title of the "advanced team of new hunan contribution award".

green-based business operation

the private economy is an important force for economic development, a major player of innovation and openness, an important area of employment and entrepreneurship, and an important channel to increase income and enrich the people. as a leading brand of aluminum deep processing, snto always believes that the development of private enterprises cannot be aimed at pure profit, and every choice should be made to bring positive and lasting social impact for human beings and the earth.


after decades of streamlining and efficiency, we entered more than 20 industries, developed hundreds of products, and finally decisively shut down and transferred industries with fewer advantages. we have concentrated resources from all sides to focus on two advantageous industries — aluminum foil and aluminum formwork.

the wide application of aluminum foil has upgraded the food and packaging industry, effectively improving food safety and human health. the widespread use of aluminum formwork has brought about the transformation of the construction industry, reduced the indiscriminate felling of trees, and satisfied people's eternal pursuit of beautiful things. the two major industries not only conform to the environmental protection concept of "green mountains and clear water are valuable assets", but also accord with the advocacy of the country in the supply-side reform, opening up new markets and creating new values. they also embody snto's in-deep efforts to explore the need of the public.

innovation for health and safety

when the water is deep, the fish will be happy. when the city is strong, the business will boom. the sound development of private enterprises is inseparable from the overall situation.  food is the first necessity of the people. packaging is the priority of the food. in recent years, the food packaging industry has gradually developed into one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic pillar industries in china's national economy. as the seventh generation of packaging materials, aluminum foil packaging, with many unique advantages such as aseptic, moisture-proof, freshness preservation, heat preservation, and highly malleable, is being increasingly used for the wrapping of high-end food products.

with the deepening restrictions on the use of plastic bags, snto ushered in the third strategic transformation. from industrial products to daily necessities, snto, with its strong innovation ability, has developed the latest food preservation tools — reinforced aluminum foil with titanium, which has set off a "freshness keeping revolution" advocating healthy life all over the world. snto is committed to promoting a better lifestyle, making people eat healthier, happier, and live longer, and making greater contributions to the industry and society!

2021 was a year full of changes for snto. the "new hunan contribution award" is the affirmation and the spur for snto to continue to adhere to the national development strategy and promote high-quality development. in the future, we will not change our original intention and forge ahead so that the achievements of snto can be seen everywhere in china and amaze the world!
