good news | snto listed in the "top 100 changsha enterprises practicing ‘three highlands and four new missions' strategies"-九游会j9官方登录入口

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good news | snto listed in the "top 100 changsha enterprises practicing ‘three highlands and four new missions' strategies"

on november 1, 2021, the first changsha "entrepreneur day" was officially launched. it was voted by the standing committee of the 15th people's congress of changsha city. snto was listed in the "top 100 changsha enterprises practicing 'three highlands and four new missions' strategies" because of its outstanding achievements in innovation and research, industrial transformation, and high-quality development.


(the above only shows part of the enterprises included in the list)

over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, enterprises in changsha have grown and progressed with the city, achieving a wonderful transformation from small to large and from weak to strong. today, the "three highlands and four new missions" strategy has become the consensus of the people of hunan province to forge ahead in the "14th five-year plan" and move towards a new journey. it is the clarion call for the people of the whole province to unite and strive for a better future.

on the journey of building "three highlands" and practicing "four new missions", snto, with the attitude of running, the passion of entrepreneurship, and the blood of fighting, is writing a new chapter of changsha's high-quality development with other outstanding hunan enterprises.

r&d and innovation to create advantages

in 2003, snto was established to put into practice the principle of "chinese people should excel" and validate the idea that "innovation is the life of enterprises". 

with more than 20 years of hard work, snto has been at the forefront of the industry. it adheres to the principle of "management improvement for superb quality". through decades of research, development, and innovation in the efficient application of aluminum alloys, snto has created advantages in products, technology, management, and operation and achieved leadership in food packaging, green building, and other fields. it has won many national honors such as"national technological innovation demonstration enterprise", "national quality benchmark enterprise", etc. snto plays a prominent role in the aluminum processing industry.

daring to act as the pioneer

any resource may be exhausted. but culture can thrive all the time. with the cultural gene of "passion, wisdom, and perseverance" rooted in the company, and with the principle of "chinese people should excel", snto overcomes all difficulties with hope, continues to improve itself, and explores bravely.


in 2020, in the face of covid-19's impact and complex and severe domestic and international environment, under the leadership of the founder, snto made a series of radical strategic transformations and industrial transformations, vigorously promoting implementation, clustering, standardization, and lean management. through streamlining and efficiency, snto focused on its strengths and achieved sound development.

in 2021, snto followed the "national standardization development outline" and established a standardized operation system from the working process to product specifications. we promote operation and management standardization through systems, processes, forms, and informationization in pursuit of improvement and high efficiency. in production management, from multiple aspects including product, quality, process, and service, we focus on standard products, increase production efficiency, speed up delivery, ensure product quality, and improve industry efficiency. at the same time, we vigorously bring in high-tech talents, carry out standardized research on emerging industries and future industries, and foster the development of new industries and new models.

being a pathbreaker and a trailblazer

as the world's largest production and marketing base of light gauge aluminum foil, snto, based on its development advantages, promotes the integrated development of multiple industries with scientific and technological innovation, takes innovation as the original driving force, and constantly enhances the ability of independent product research and development.


while promoting the transformation of snto into an e-commerce company for food, packaging, and end consumer goods, we, as pioneers, continue to develop and promote more applications of aluminum foil. we have created the world's only anti-bacteria preservation tool, namely, the "peony reinforced aluminum foil with titanium", committed to bringing 500 million families a healthier, more environmentally friendly new green life, and making a greater contribution to social development.

we will carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit and take up the mission of the new era. in the journey of building "three highlands" and implementing "four new missions", snto works in a down-to-earth manner and keeps moving forward. with the management idea of "innovation is the life of enterprises" and the principle of "chinese people should excel", snto will continue to undertake the mission of the new era and make a greater contribution to the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation.
