report: snto's "freshness keeping tools" set off a "freshness keeping revolution" around the world-九游会j9官方登录入口

submitted successfully report: snto's "freshness keeping tools" set off a "freshness keeping revolution" around the world

editor's note

it is our goal to seize the day and take the lead. changsha's 22 emerging and advantageous industrial chains have gathered great momentum and become the main battlefield for the implementation of the "three highlands and four new missions" strategy. the changsha planned a series of reports on "the commanding point — changsha's industrial chains building on three highlands and four new missions". it focused on the leading industries in china and the world in 22 industrial chains, highlighting changsha's role on the main battlefield of high-quality development and the main force of the "three highlands and four new missions" strategy and giving full play to changsha, the provincial capital of hunan province.

a type of metal material with a thickness of only 0.006 mm is exported to more than 70 countries and regions worldwide as an excellent food packaging material because of its unique advantages such as sterility, moisture resistance, freshness, and recyclability. as the world's largest production and sales base of light gauge aluminum foil, suntown technology group co., ltd. (snto), located in wangcheng economic and technological development zone, is currently developing and promoting more applications of aluminum foil. from industrial products to daily necessities, snto, with its strong innovation ability, has set off a "freshness keeping revolution" that advocates a healthy life around the world.


on january 19, 2020, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of ecology and environment issued a new version of the ban on plastic bags — "opinions on further strengthening the control of plastic pollution", aiming to establish a long-term mechanism for the treatment of plastic pollution. opinions pointed out that by 2025, the production, circulation, consumption and recycling, and disposal of plastic products and other aspects of the management system should be established, a multi-dimensional co-governance system should be formed, alternative product development and application level should be further enhanced, the amount of plastic waste landfilled in key cities should be significantly reduced, and plastic pollution should be effectively under control.

on august 17, 2021, snto officially entered the list of the fourth batch of enterprises that produced alternative (degradable) raw materials and products in hunan province (changsha city), becoming the only enterprise in hunan province that focused on replacing plastic with aluminum. the collection and evaluation of the list were organized by the innovation alliance organization of degradable plastics industry in hunan province (changsha city), which is a new organization established in response to the requirements of the national, provincial, and municipal departments of hunan province on plastic restriction orders and plastic bans. it mainly undertakes the research and development of standards and the implementation of the requirements of the development and reform commission of hunan province on plastic restriction order and plastic ban, promotes the use of alternative products, assists the government in inspecting the implementation of plastic restriction order and plastic ban, establishes benchmark enterprises, and promotes the construction of the industrial chain of degradable and alternative products in changsha.


as the seventh-generation packaging material, household aluminum foil has already entered numerous families in developed countries such as europe, america, and japan, and has become a daily necessity that can be seen everywhere. in 2020, the amount of packaging foil used worldwide was about 3.3 million tons, of which the average annual consumption of americans is 3.3kg, 4.7 times the amount used in china. as an everyday household product for preservation and insulation, aluminum foil has unique properties that are superior to cling film when wrapping foods such as fruit and burgers.

snto has long focused on the r&d and production of light gauge aluminum foil for food. it is the first manufacturer in china to replace the hot rolling process with the cast rolling process and produce aluminum foil on a large scale. up to now, 850,000 tons of aluminum foil have been produced and sold, which are about 52.5 billion square meters. if all these light gauge foils were spread out into a rectangle with a width of one meter, its length would be 52.5 million kilometers, which is approximately the closest distance from earth to mars. if the 52.5 billion square meters of aluminum foil were spread on the ground, it could cover the living space of 1.4 billion chinese people. the market for household aluminum foil is infinite. snto is committed to promoting the upgrading of the food packaging industry and providing consumers with more effective and safer food preservation solutions.

the founder of snto said that innovation is the life of the enterprise, and this year, the focus is on aluminum foil application research and development, market research and development, and e-commerce research and development. snto aims to be the "apple" of the aluminum processing industry and the "huawei" of the aluminum processing industry.

in the 21st century, china has become the second-largest economy in the world. chinese people eat more than just to fill their stomachs but also to have a taste and enjoyment of quality life. snto has the world's largest single production base for food packaging aluminum foil. it is committed to "making the reinforced aluminum foil with titanium of snto become the daily necessities of 500 million families around the world", changing the eating habits and lifestyles of the chinese people, and making greater contributions to the industry and society. 

